Monday, 8 April 2013

What's Happening...

Hello people who care for the music of me!

I've started this blog purely to discuss my musical journey, to keep people updated and just muse about creativity.

I'm a 24 year old welsh musician. I primarily perform solo with just an acoustic guitar but over the years I've had people play with me, or I've been in bands (playing electric guitar and very rarely playing drums!)
I play lots of different instruments and I'm always keen to perform and experiment with music. so that's what this blog is about!

At the moment I have a full time job which means finding the time to write, play and record is limited, but regardless of this I've been hit by creative lightning lately!

the last year or two for me has heavily been plagued by my difficulties with my anxiety problems. they've always been a problem but the more I grow up and the more responsibility I have, the worse it seems to get. I decided that I wanted to fuel my frustration and feelings on the matter into a one off CD.
usually my music is broad. I don't have a 'typical' song. I usually write songs about feelings, or people, or my feelings for people. a lot of those are melancholy, angry, confused, happy, etc. any number of things really.
this is my first stab at a 'concept', and I'm quite happy with it.

So the E.P that is currently under-way is going to be called 'Disorder'. let me tell you about it.


This idea came over time, really. I wanted to challenge myself. I have quite low self esteem, so for ages I kept talking myself out of recording or writing material. I'd over analyze my stuff tell myself it wasn't good enough and would not get very far.
I started listening to this rap guy called Watsky, and on his latest album he has this song called 'Moral Of The Story' which effectively points out the obvious - to get anywhere in life, you need to work for it.
It truly inspired me to face my fears and short-comings and just get on with it. now for someone with mental health issues this is an extremely difficult feat but I kind of just thought I had to throw caution to the wind and give it a go.

So Disorder, as it stands, will be a 5 track E.P dealing with my difficulties with my mental health.
so far there are two solid finished tracks. one of which still needs some minor adjusting in post production, the other I am hopeful to say is completely finished.
there is another song currently in writing, and two more left to go.
An online friend is re-designing my logo for me, so I can get the artwork started, and I've been working with a percussionist and bassist when composing some of the material (although the completely finished song has been a solo effort).

So far the song titles are 'Break' and 'Better'. both of these can be heard on my soundcloud page (or just click on them!).

I have really strong feelings for how this EP is shaping up. it's a direction I've never really gone for, and it seems to be teaching me what my real 'sound' is like, from a recording perspective.
I am very happy with the development so far, and I hope you all will be too :)

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